Monday, August 13, 2012

Agfa DuoScan 100 UK Sale Cheap

Where Buy Sale Agfa DuoScan 100 UK Cheap Deals

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Agfa DuoScan 100

Customer Rating :
Rating: 4.4

List Price : £99.99
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Product Description

Bring back the loveliest moments from the past with the AgfaPhoto Imager.
At last it's possible to scan framed slides and 35mm or 110 filmstrips in split seconds.
Simply insert into the corresponding film holders and start digitizing with the touch of a button.
The 5-megapixel CMOS sensor (24-bits colour depth) and resolution of up to 1800 dpi (3600 dpi interpolated) ensures stunning picture quality.
Exposure control and colour balance are fully automatic.
The digitized pictures are saved directly to an SD/SDHC memory card in JPEG format.

Instant picture control can be performed on the fold-out 2.4" TFT LCD display, on an external TV (PAL) or the PC monitor. And with a further press of a button, the pictures can be rotated to the right or left or even displayed as a negative. Connectivity under All Windows and Mac is via USB 2.0.

Thanks to the rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery, the DuoScan 100 works independently of any electricity supply or computer.
And with the supplied ArcSoft® PhotoImpression software, pictures can be easily managed and edited.

  • Image Sensor 1/2.5" inch 5 megapixel CMOS sensor
  • Preview and review 2.4" color LCD display
  • Support film size: 35mm film (36mm x 24mm),110 film (17mm x 13mm)
  • Power Supply:From USB port, Li-ion 3.7V / 800mAh battery
  • Lens Specification: F=6,4, f=12,36 mm 2G2P

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Agfa DuoScan 100 Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
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36 of 37 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Just what I wanted, 9 Feb 2011
Like other reviewers I had many negatives & transparencies from the early 60's, 70's, 80's and needed to be able to see them without the fuss of getting out the projector etc.

Before buying I was initially worried a bit about the quality of the scan but was reasurred by Rich( 1st review)

Firstly the item was delivered from a supplier in Germany, which I received within days of ordering. In fact I was quite shocked when the postman knocked with my parcel.

The Agfa Duoscan is simple to use and gives excellent results. My first test was to scan an old B&W 35mm negative from 1975. I put the scanned image on my computer using the software provided and enlarged the image as much as I could! Excellent definition and clarity.

When my (adults) chidren saw the images for the first time they were overwhelmed. The negatives had never been printed as phographs and they were, for the first time able to see themselves as babies!

If you want to... Read more
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22 of 23 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars Better than nothing, but way short of original print quality, 3 Mar 2012
R. J. Eyley "meyley" (West Mids, UK) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Agfa DuoScan 100 (Electronics)
Bought this unit recently and have to say am very disappointed with the results. Ease of use is amazing; load a negative strip into the holder, push through the scanner one by one pressing <scan> at every frame, images save to an SD card (which is not included but they're peanuts anyway) and transfers easily to a PC via usb/card reader. So far so good.

I bought this unit because I didn't want to have to line up thousands of 6x4s and 7x5s on a flatbed, crop them, rename them etc. Comparing the results of my ~10 year old flatbed scanner with outputs from the negative scanner, and my flatbed appears to be far superior; ie more detail and better colour integrity. Everything I scan with the neg scanner has a greenish tinge to it. Now I could probably reverse most of this in post-processing using software, but where's the convenience in that? Also, colour aside, the level of detail is just not the same as my ancient flatbed. I bought this unit on the basis of reviews on... Read more
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31 of 33 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Afga Duoscan 100 - 35mm & 110 negative & transparency scanner, 25 Dec 2010
I have 1000's of photographs which I took in the 1980's and 1990's using a 35mm SLR camera and have been looking for a method to scan the negatives rather than the photographs because of the better quality from doing so. Having read various reviews on the web for scanning negatives, I decided to buy the standalone Agfa Duoscan 100 negative transparency scanner. You don't need a PC to use this scanner.

It is extremely easy to use with a single 'OK' button to scan negatives, scanning negatives takes a few seconds and you can review the image on the 2.4" LCD display before clicking on the 'OK' button and can delete any unwanted images by clicking on the wastebasket.

It can work as a standalone unit which is great if your negatives aren't near a PC. Images are stored on a standard SD card (which is not supplied) which you insert and eject from the back of the unit in just the same manner as you do with a camera. I've been using a spare 2GB SD card from my camera... Read more
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